Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Does a "Broke" Parent; Make a "Broke" Child?

Comments Welcome...TheReal T.V. Needs Your Feedback

"TheReal T.V. Real Life. Through Your Eyes."

What makes us "broke" anyway?? What is Money?? Why do some people go crazy over it?? 

What makes us "broke" is US; or The U.S. depending on how you look at it.  If a child grows up making bad decisions financially,  he/she will  pay when its all said and done.  Its no question that we all have some need for money in order to survive while we're here; but some of us indulge in our expensive taste. So if the child is born and is never conscience of their spending, he/she is destined  to find someone of the opposite sex with the same qualities. 


Us or The U.S. makes us broke because WE see big nice flashy things or someone with those big nice flashy things and at times our first thought is "I gotta go get that".  Well the product  that you see is none other than a trap to keep you in the vicious cycle created by where we live.  The cycle was created to make you think that you need this big flashy thing, to keep up with the rest of the world....or keep up with the person you saw with the big flashy thing.  This is the reason for people doing what they can and even spending their last in order to
keep up...or stay "ahead".

What is Money anyway??


1 comment:

  1. All the way the there on the brain power there g straight like that and that's coming from D.Lat a brotha that's been broke,had it to broke again, to having money thats not worth the dollar but the integrity behind that dollar that feeds my fam ya feel me keep doing what you doing cuz you know if aint nobody in ya corner g D.Lat always been there folk
