Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is UNITY Impossible in St. Louis?

This is my Latest Post....Its been a little while, but hey I'm a normal guy with a full time job just like you. So far; I'm not in a position where I can Socially Network 40 a week.

 I recently shot a commercial for Major Way Ent. down at The In Spot, 5854 Delmar. During the commercial I chose to put a creative spin on it and incorporate TheReal T.V. signature Interview...I asked "J-Dubb"; "If you could Change One Thing about your City, What would it be?" His answer to this impromptu interview was, in one word "UNITY", implying that there is no UNITY among the people in St. Louis.  There are alot of like minded people in St. Louis, many of which have their own camps doing what THEY think is their own thing. I see too often two or more of the same type of demos among two or more different it by chance? Or is just Hatred, one wants to be better than the other; Creating competition, confusion, and eventually chaos...(judging by the murder rate).  Its been know that the City of St. Louis, Mo. has been reffered to the "Hater City", or the "City of Hate". Many people say "Its nothing but Haters in St. Louis."  I didn't want to believe it at first, and to this day I still don't want to believe it.  I do know its hard to make it in this City, a couple of years ago, I read an online article of the Worst City for College Grads. You guested right...St. Louis  was the absolute WORST for college graduates back in like '09-'10. If thats not enough you have Blacks killing Blacks like its a new its "cool". Based on that alone you can say St. Louis doesn't have UNITY, but I still don't want to believe it. 

Is UNITY Impossible in St. Louis??

Monday, May 16, 2011

Social Saturday's @ The Broadway Night Club 11836 W. Florissant

This is a commercial done for Major Way Ent; promoting Social Saturday's and The Broadway Night Club.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is Reality....Real Life??

Everybodies got a Reality show nowadays, from Tiny and Toya; now to Jim Jones' Fiance?? Whatever the case may be; alot of  people are getting recognition from VH1, BET, and other Networking Stations.  What makes a good Reality Show anyway?? Bad Girls?? Or how about 50 women in a mansion?? Or the most popular, 50 people competing for money.  Seeing these various reality shows on television, and going about my eveyday life; really make me see where some people get their since of style, communication, and in some cases even lifestyles.  I happen to think that these shows, although made for entertainment, are getting peoples attention as if they were real life.  Some people are so tuned in to these reality shows, its like they start to live the life they see on T.V.! The love of popularity is taking over television.  More and more people are making life long careers on television, because of being featured on a reality shows.  So now there is a trickle down effect.  "If this trashy girl from Jersey can be featured on one of the top music magazines, well maybe I could too!"


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Does a "Broke" Parent; Make a "Broke" Child?

Comments Welcome...TheReal T.V. Needs Your Feedback

"TheReal T.V. Real Life. Through Your Eyes."

What makes us "broke" anyway?? What is Money?? Why do some people go crazy over it?? 

What makes us "broke" is US; or The U.S. depending on how you look at it.  If a child grows up making bad decisions financially,  he/she will  pay when its all said and done.  Its no question that we all have some need for money in order to survive while we're here; but some of us indulge in our expensive taste. So if the child is born and is never conscience of their spending, he/she is destined  to find someone of the opposite sex with the same qualities. 


Us or The U.S. makes us broke because WE see big nice flashy things or someone with those big nice flashy things and at times our first thought is "I gotta go get that".  Well the product  that you see is none other than a trap to keep you in the vicious cycle created by where we live.  The cycle was created to make you think that you need this big flashy thing, to keep up with the rest of the world....or keep up with the person you saw with the big flashy thing.  This is the reason for people doing what they can and even spending their last in order to
keep up...or stay "ahead".

What is Money anyway??


Monday, April 18, 2011 Ladies Kickball in Action; @ Heman Park; University Ci...

Alot of people came out to Heman Park the other day, including Tha Deala Gang, F.A.M. ENT., and a few event promoters and sponsors like Monster Energy Drink; to watch one of the MOST talked about events going on in St. Louis nowadays; Women's Kickball, no its not a joke, and theses games REALLY draw a crowd, it was like a Carnival or Car Show at Heman Park this night! The games lasted all day; but I was there to see; a team with moderately athletic women, who needed some extra curricular activity...or just an excuse for their "no good baby-daddy" to watch the kids on a Thursday night. From what I see, the Ladies of are well put together, they just need to get on one accord, work more on communication, and find out where every ones weak, and strong spots are. I enjoyed myself, being it was my first time at this event, I will defiantly be going back!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Life I Live

The Life I Live is an Exciting one. There are constant stuggles, and there are plenty of hills and mountains to climb.  I learned to keep my composure by thinking of the things Jesus went through.  I couldn't endure none of these things.  The things I go through daily could never amount to the things he went through.  Thinking of where I could be if I do like Jesus did; and not give up, motivates me to keep going no matter the obsticle thrown in front of me. I constantly remind myself that "This is not it." and ask myself "Whats going to happen when I get out of this situation." God protected Jesus, and he protects us as well.  When you find yourself in a struggle or in front of a hill to climb...Think of the Land and Oppurtunities on the other side. Constantly think of God, and what he would have to say to you if you were to give up.  This is the Life I Live. A constant Talk, and Walk with God. Not giving up on any hopes and dreams....Cause he told me not to.

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TheReal T.V. is something for everyone in the world to see.
For those who need and are looking to gain exposure, and build up a reputation among fans.