Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is UNITY Impossible in St. Louis?

This is my Latest Post....Its been a little while, but hey I'm a normal guy with a full time job just like you. So far; I'm not in a position where I can Socially Network 40 a week.

 I recently shot a commercial for Major Way Ent. down at The In Spot, 5854 Delmar. During the commercial I chose to put a creative spin on it and incorporate TheReal T.V. signature Interview...I asked "J-Dubb"; "If you could Change One Thing about your City, What would it be?" His answer to this impromptu interview was, in one word "UNITY", implying that there is no UNITY among the people in St. Louis.  There are alot of like minded people in St. Louis, many of which have their own camps doing what THEY think is their own thing. I see too often two or more of the same type of demos among two or more different it by chance? Or is just Hatred, one wants to be better than the other; Creating competition, confusion, and eventually chaos...(judging by the murder rate).  Its been know that the City of St. Louis, Mo. has been reffered to the "Hater City", or the "City of Hate". Many people say "Its nothing but Haters in St. Louis."  I didn't want to believe it at first, and to this day I still don't want to believe it.  I do know its hard to make it in this City, a couple of years ago, I read an online article of the Worst City for College Grads. You guested right...St. Louis  was the absolute WORST for college graduates back in like '09-'10. If thats not enough you have Blacks killing Blacks like its a new its "cool". Based on that alone you can say St. Louis doesn't have UNITY, but I still don't want to believe it. 

Is UNITY Impossible in St. Louis??